Archive for the ‘Inkjet Cartridges’ Category

The NDITC New Deal Ink and Toner Company, Small Business Plans for 2017 are now available.

Unemployment – Over 50 Years Old – Still Looking for a Job –  If you’re Over 50 years old, unemployed and still looking for a good paying job NDITC wants you to stop looking.  That’s right, thousands of stopped looking for a job but they now earn more money than ever before.  If you want to earn a great living, stay at home, enjoy a great cash income and stop worrying about retirement, government programs and other stuff, register today with NDITC, fast, free and easy.


How To Become A Millionaire, Most people want to improve their  life and prosperity.  Most people simply wait for the world of opportunity to discover them which never happens.  A retired Fortune 500 Specialist started NDITC over eight years ago and has helped thousands of people for free, and we mean free forever.


Changing your life and the drudgery of life will always start with you but you were taught very different. Over 97% of humans on earth have a strange relationship with life which has become normal.  If you would enjoy being powerful you must learn the atomic secrets of your creator.  This training, development and performance education is not about Adam and Eve it’s about you and the atomic seeds planted deep inside you.



You can register for a free business plan


Receive Your Free NDITC 1776 Plan


The Best Job Work Money Guide in America today was written several years ago and is being discovered by thousands of people, people just like you, everyday of the year. This is your chance to reserve your free copy, free forever.

NDITC Ink Hi5 Toner Learning how to start your own inkjet and toner printer copier fax cartridge business may be the best small business investment you’ve ever made, home based or commercial.


NDITC Ink and NDITC Toner Ink and Toner Cartridge Business School is fully designed and planned to train, educate and teach people, people just like you, how to start their own ink and toner cartridge business anywhere in North America.


Ink and Toner work at home business planning can be completed online as the ink and toner refill refilling remanufacturing guides, manuals, articles, newsletters and all the information you need to start your home ink and toner printer cartridge business is available 24 hours a day.


The facts and industry news concerning ink and toner printer cartridges can make you a successful manager of your own ink and toner printer, copier and fax cartridge business and you are never required to buy inventory, buy or lease a refilling machines and you never pay franchise or management fees.


NDITC  Mail-order Guides


NDITC Refilling Industry Secrets


NDITC Guides


NDITC Information


NDITC Facts and News


NDITC Internet Classes






NDITC Website


NDITC Community Development Project


NDITC Factory Wholesale Dealers Ink and Toner


NDITC Dealerships – How To Apply


NDITC Wholesale Ink and Toner Guides, Factory, Distributors, Agents, Brokers, Fulfillment Centers


NDITC How to start your own inkjet and laser toner printer copier fax cartridge business


NDITC Home based business opportunity


NDITC Magazine





You can start your own ink refill inkjet refilling business in a matter of days. Take the time to learn how to start your own inkjet and toner printer cartridge work at home business.


NDITC New Deal Ink and Toner Company


Mechanicsburg PA U.S.A.


Guarded Trade Secrets

Information Facts News

New Work at Home Business Model

Community Development Factory Wholesale Dealer Opportunity


Take the time now to start enjoying your business and relax as you learn about one of the best money makers in the world.  The inkjet and toner printer cartridge business is a global and intricate arrangement of thousands of factories, distributors and major big box retailers around the world.


The NDITC Program guides are produced for our registered clients only so take the time to study, learn and take full advantage of every word and every benefit you can gain by owning your own business.


Remember, when you’re ready you can upgrade and raise your business to the next money making level.  We have NDITC clients all across North America so congratulations, you have done the right thing for your future.


You will enjoy the business,

Thank you




Gregory Bodenhamer

Founder & Owner

New Deal Ink and Toner Company

Feel Free To Email-Write NewDealInk@Live.Com




Inkjet Laser Toner Cartridge Business – Refilling – Recycling – Re-Manufacturing, Factory Direct Dealerships Available NDITC Free Books Plans Guides Instructions

Startup Resources Inkjet Laser Toner Cartridge Business

Printer Copier Fax Cash Register Cartridges

There are a number of available

NDITC Small Business programs


Work At Home Start A Home Based Business NDITC Plans Guides Manuals by NDITC startups, micro businesses, and underserved or disadvantaged groups. The following NDITC resources provide information to help specialized audiences and clients start their own businesses.


Environmentally-Friendly “Green” Business,


Home-Based Business,


Online Business,


Self Employment,


Minority Owned Business,


Veteran Owned Business,


Woman Owned Business


Work At Home –


The Stay At Home Business Plan Free NDITC 1776



by NDITC is the low cost – no inventory – no machines – no overhead Home Based small business solution for thousands of people across America.  The inkjet and laser toner printer copier and fax cartridge business is a Home Based Business Idea that creates home based cash income with little effort.  Stay At Home – Work At Home. Every NDITC client start for free and we mean 100% free with registration.  Earn hundreds a day part-time or thousands per week full-time.  Easy 1,2,3

NDITC –  Inkjet Laser Toner Cartridge Dealerships Available, Start Your Own Business with NDITC business plans, Start for Free,

New Deal Ink and Toner Company 

Start Your Own Inkjet and Toner Printer Cartridge Business                                                   


It’s a New Deal Ink and Toner Company Small Business Plan that lets you become your very own boss inside the booming inkjet and toner printer cartridge business.

In less than 30 seconds you can register for your own free inkjet and toner printer cartridge business, without machines, without franchise fees or complicated contracts.

NDTIC P1302-1776 Guaranteed FREE OF ANY CHARGES.

American knew it was about time for a New Deal Ink and Toner Company.

In less than 10 days you can be buying inkjet cartridges starting at $0.43 cents each and selling them for fantastic profits to your friends, neighbors, family members and your local business owners.

Immediately and without delay, we’ll send you the exclusive and popular NDITC Plan 1302-1176 free of any charges or fees.

You can instantly learn how to make $25.00 to $100 an hour from the comfort of your home part-time or full-time using the NDITC Plan 1776 and never owe us one penny.

Most people still purchase their inkjet and toner printer cartridges from major retailers like Best Buy, Staples, Office Max, Wal-Mart, Office Depot, Target, Costco, Amazon, and K-Mart and pay the higher prices over and over again.  After they use up their inkjet and toner printer cartridges they toss them in the trash and go buy a new expensive printer cartridge.  These simple transactions have created a gold mine for the people that know the insider secrets of the inkjet and toner printer cartridge business.



If you’re looking to start your own home based or commercial inkjet and toner printer cartridge business, you’re in the right place.  New Deal Ink and Toner Company was started by a Fortune 100 Business Manager and is truly considered the expert within the inkjet and toner printer cartridge business.

All you need to do is follow the step by step instructions and directions provided to you free inside the NDITC Plan 1302-1776 and start making money.

The founder and owner is so confident about his programs that he is offering, free of any charges, the NDITC Plan 1776 to 43,000 Americans that want to start their own inkjet and toner printer cartridge business.

His nationally recognized fortune 100 inkjet and laser toner printer cartridge consulting company gives professional, specialized and expert small business advice to hundreds of people, people just like you, week after week for free.

You see, after you start making money you’ll want to invest and nurture your business to make more and more money.

You start for free with New Deal Ink and Toner Company and as you develop paying customers you quickly become bigger by purchasing a NDITC small business plan, starting at only $39.95.

You are not required to buy anything.  You can just use the free NDITC Plan 1776 forever, and never owe a thin dime.

All you have to do is follow the inkjet and toner printer cartridge business manual and you never buy any bulk ink, refilling machines and you never pay expensive franchise or management fees.

NDITC has been described as the best chance to make money while staying at home and keeping your money.

The entire inkjet refilling business and the toner recharging business is on the brink of remarkable wealth creation for the few people that have the inside track.


You do not need a refilling machine.


You do not need to lease a refilling machine.


You do not need to buy some franchise idea.


You never pay any management fees.


Start your own inkjet and toner cartridge refill recycle remanufacturing home based business with nditc


Start your inkjet and toner cartridge business in a few days and start earning real money, making friends and having fun.  Welcome to NDITC New Deal Ink and Toner Company.


HP Hewlett Packard Inkjet – Laser Toner 








Inkjet Toner Cartridge Refilling Re-Building Re-Manufacturing Factory Direct.


Register Free



NDITC will help you start your own inkjet and laser toner cartridge business, without machines, 100% free and we mean free forever.


These programs were authored by a Fortune 500 Business Specialist that has been retained by the largest U.S. companies on the planet today.


They are easy to understand and simple to use so you don’t need any experience or equipment knowledge.


The Inkjet and Toner Cartridge business is a multi- billion dollar per month business in America.


You’ll be able to buy inkjet and toner cartridges, factory direct at the real factory direct wholesale prices.


You simply buy what you sell and keep all the profits.


NDITC is a Fortune 500 consulting company so we’re not trying to sell you ink and toner we’re helping you start your very own business.


NDITC is the North American Leader




Your very own ink and toner printer cartridge business without the expensive machines and you don’t need a lot of money. People, people just like you, are buying and selling printer cartridges and earning tremendous incomes. Any one of our New Deal Plans will allow you to start your own ink and toner cartridge business, without complicated contracts, no hidden fee’s, no franchise fees or royalties, and best of all you’re going to make a lot of friends.

NDITC New Deal Ink and Toner Company

Are you still unemployed? Are you one of the millions of under-employed? Do you think you’re over-Worked? Are you looking for another job? Do you want to earn more money and work less? 

You can start your own inkjet and toner printer copier fax cartridge dealership in a matter of days, without refilling machines, without inkjet or toner components parts, without bulk ink and you never have to pay franchise fees or carry any inventory. NDITC USPS POSTAL CARD MAILER 2015 002 NDITC New Deal Ink Toner Company Business Consulting 017 NDITC New Deal Ink Toner Company Business Consulting 016 NDITC New Deal Ink Toner Company Business Consulting 015 NDITC New Deal Ink Toner Company Business Consulting 014 NDITC New Deal Ink Toner Company Business Consulting 013 NDITC New Deal Ink Toner Company Business Consulting 012

Thanks to NDITC

Do you really think you’re going to lose your home, maybe your car or the stress might cost you a divorce?

You and I need to get together.  I will help you, I will help you feed your family, pay your rent or mortgage and even make your car payment. I’m helping people get off welfare and SNAP food stamps.

I’m helping people discover the truth about the job prospect market.

I’m helping minorities that couldn’t get a job five years ago and they won’t be able to get one five years from now.

I’m helping people that are over 50 years of age because employers think your too old, too slow and too dumb because you don’t know how to operate excel or Microsoft word or other computer programs.

I’m helping single mothers keep their children warm in the winter and cooler in the summer.  I’m helping people get their old worn out car out of the shop and on the road again.

If you are underemployed I want you to register free right now, just click over and register and then come back to this page, really, do it now.

Millions of men and women are out of work but anxious to work and start earning cash money again.  Today is your opportunity to register inside NDITC to stop the idleness and suffering.  If you’re over 50 years old, minority of color, disabled or veteran we suggest that you register today.  Men and women of the world have been looking for the way to stop the idle hands and hunger in their homes.

New Deal Ink and Toner Company


NDITC has become the leading cartridge consulting company in North America and in 2009 was named “The Safest Business Plan in America” and has been improving year after year.

NDITC has become the leading cartridge consulting company in North America and in 2009 was named “The Safest Business Plan in America”

NDITC has become the leading cartridge consulting company in North America and in 2009 was named “The Safest Business Plan in America”

Inkjet Toner American Factory Drop Shipping NDITC 008 Inkjet Toner American Factory Drop Shipping NDITC 007 Inkjet Toner American Factory Drop Shipping NDITC 006 Inkjet Toner American Factory Drop Shipping NDITC 005 Inkjet Toner American Factory Drop Shipping NDITC 004 Inkjet Toner American Factory Drop Shipping NDITC 003 Inkjet Toner American Factory Drop Shipping NDITC 002 Inkjet Toner American Factory Drop Shipping NDITC 001 NDITC INK TONER CONSULTING 001

With unique and one-of-a-kind teaching, coaching and mentoring the founder of NDITC takes every client on a remarkable journey of discovery.  The famous NDITC Picture Books helps the client understand the multi-billion dollar global inkjet and toner cartridge business allowing them to plan, start and maintain their own successful business.  The author teaches you about the secondary cartridge factory’s inside America that are creating middle class incomes for thousands of clients.  You have the opportunity to learn from the founder which is a real life Fortune 500 supply chain, fulfillment, distribution, transportation, retail – wholesale, e-commerce expert that helps you understand the secrets of creating your individual wealth. The NDITC series of small business plans are used all across America and help people create their own secure and stable incomes while working at home or on main street.  If the client is willing to learn and understand that wealth creation is a combination of education, experiences, emotional controls and even human evolutionary traits you’re in for a wonderful journey.  You will learn about the powerful market forces and organizations that have created and controlled the inkjet and toner cartridge markets and reaped billions in profits.  You can learn that major big box retail operations and linked to global factories through the supply chain and have earned billions but, now they are suffering and subject to immediate failure.  As a future business owner you will see that the internet has changed the world, your employer, the cartridge factory,  retail distribution, wholesale availability and even your ability to earn a middle class income.  These remarkable and global changes has created massive unemployment, under-employment but, on the other side of the coin a great new generation of wealth creation.  You can now plan, start and sustain your own inkjet and laser toner cartridge business with the ease of clicking your mouse button.  You can connect to the real cartridge factory and purchase direct, at the real factory direct wholesale prices.  These new connections are changing the world and you can see America changing, day by day.  The most powerful of retailers are trying to survive this changing world, the new way of business but many are too late.  You can own your small money making business in a matter of days and go head to head with the big retailers like Office Depot, Staples, Wal-Mart, Best Buy, Target, Costco, Amazon and win the customer and the cash profits. These are exciting and profitable times, so don’t delay.  You can start earning cash money in a matter of days if you’re willing to learn and apply any of the NDITC small business plans.

Inkjet and toner printer cartridge business for free.



NDITC New Deal Ink and Toner Company 

Mechanicsburg Pennsylvania U.S.A. 


You Own The Entire Business,

You Keep All The Profits

The Franchise Alternative – NDITC – Inkjet and Laser Toner Cartridge Business, every NDITC Client starts FREE, and we mean free forever. You Pay No Royalty Fees You Pay No Advertising Fees You Pay No Membership Fees You Never Buy Any Refill Machine You Never Lease Refill Machines You Pay No Management Fees You Choose The Name You Choose The Zip Code Selling Area


Start A Home Based Business Plan Free NDITC 006 Start A Home Based Business Plan Free NDITC 005 Start A Home Based Business Plan Free NDITC 004 Start A Home Based Business Plan Free NDITC 003 Start A Home Based Business Plan Free NDITC 002 Start A Home Based Business Plan Free NDITC 001 Drop Shipping Free Factory Direct Guide NDITC 006

Ask For Your Free Dealership Application


NDITC New Deal Ink and Toner Company

NAND North American Neighborhood Dealerships

NSRA Non Store Retailers Association

This is the business that you can start without any of the financial or economic fear that surrounds most business start ups. The inkjet and laser toner cartridge business will enable you to earn a great middle class cash income, while working from home.  NDITC is the North American leader within the inkjet and laser toner cartridge consulting business and we’ve helped thousands of people, just like you.

With very little hard cash you can start selling inside the multi-billion dollar ink business.

The fresh and contemporary author allows you the up-to-the-minute information you need to create your own business and launch your own great success. You can truly earn more cash money on Monday than most people earn all week.  You never have to really work again if you follow the simple NDITC inkjet and toner plan.

With this fortune 100 pioneer and the father of his own business you can have a new beginning.  The foundation information that you must have is given to you freely and without all the counterfeit advice found inside so many business books. This how to information has created hundreds and hundreds of small businesses all across America and Canada so make sure you register your zip code today.

This is a genuine and real life guide book that allows you to start, survive, create success and become a noteworthy seller of inkjet, laser toner cartridges. You don’t need to buy any inkjet refilling machines, no toner recharging machines, no bulk ink, no cartridge parts and you don’t need any copier, printer or fax machine experience.

We all know the major brand names within this multi-billion dollar marketplace.  The Fortune 100 Companies like Hewlett Packard, Brother, Epson, Canon and Lexmark, just to mention a few, have become too important within the market. They charge too much and make a fortune while small companies struggle to survive and the housewife and mother must pay their high prices. The retail supply chain partners like Staples Inc SPLS, Office Max OMX, Office Depot ODP, Best Buy BB, Wal-Mart WMT, Target TGT and all the rest have made fortunes buying and selling inkjet and toner cartridges.  Now you can, we’ll show you how to buy factory direct cartridges at the real factory wholesale price.  It will amaze you.

The O.E.M. factory’s substantial size and production, marketing and supply chain capabilities gives them the market capacity to charge too much and too often.  It is the opinion of many that the factories combined with the big box retail stores have been almost cheating people out of their money for years.  Keep learning about this great money making small business opportunity and then decide for yourself.

Their resources and wherewithal has created and sustained a global market within their product lines. They are about 40 global ink and toner brands but the big three of HP Hewlett Packard, Canon and Epson control the marketplace.  In fact, HP Hewlett Packard controls over 50% of the global market. HP is the absolute king of the cartridge business.

They also have many inabilities, which we will review and talk about for your benefit.

Hello, my name is Gregory  and I remain a Fortune 100 specialist  and authority within the supply chain, wholesale and retail operations of very big companies.  I’m the business expert that you could never afford only a few years ago.  Thanks to the internet my company now has the capability to reach out and be found by the thousands of people that want to start their own small home based or commercial business. Again, thanking the world wide web you and I can now connect and start teaching and learning together.  The NDITC learning, performance and business development programs are used across North America, even by some of the largest organizations on earth.

As an expert within my specialized field you will find  my thoughts and action steps qualified and proficient. I’m going to give you a hundred things to think about and in fact you already know most of them but, have them in the wrong order.  You’re going to be amazed how easy it is today to plan, start and maintain your own business.  It’s also very fun and makes a lot of money if you do it right.

If you want to start an inkjet refill or refilling business it’s time that you learned about the New Deal Ink and Toner Company.

Drop Shipping Free Factory Direct Guide NDITC 007 Drop Shipping Free Factory Direct Guide NDITC 006 Drop Shipping Free Factory Direct Guide NDITC 005 Drop Shipping Free Factory Direct Guide NDITC 004 Drop Shipping Free Factory Direct Guide NDITC 003 Drop Shipping Free Factory Direct Guide NDITC 002 Drop Shipping Free Factory Direct Guide NDITC 001 NDITC WHOLESALE INK TONER 008 DROP SHIPPING NDITC BROCHURE START YOUR BUSINESS 006 DROP SHIPPING FACTORY DI

All you have to do is register your name and home zip code to get inside the entire site. We guard our plans and you’ll soon discover why.  Everything is copyrighted and contract protected by law.

We have, over many years, researched, investigated, tested and marketed our inkjet and laser toner printer cartridge business plans all across the nation. We’re the leader in North America and we help thousands of people every year.

Refilling Cartridges, refilling laser toner cartridges, making more money owning your own inkjet and laser toner printer cartridge business is all inside.

We offer you the world’s best inkjet and laser toner printer cartridge business plans available, anywhere.

You can register for free at

Make Money, Open A Home Based Business with NDITC New Deal Ink and Toner Company Consulting Group.  We’re helping thousands of people learn about the money making inkjet and toner cartridge refilling business, without machines.  NDITC teaches you that every HP Hewlett Packard Printer is your new cash paying customer.  Home Based Business, Learn the Secrets from Millionaire Experts and business authors.  Ink Cartridges Toner Cartridges all major brands.  You will be able to buy factory direct and the real factory direct wholesale prices.  Make Money, Sell the Best Brands, Start Your own Home Based Business, Web E-Commerce Store, Main-Street Retail Store, No Machines, No Franchise Fees, No Royalty Fees.  This is a business opportunity, low cost, lots of fun and cash profits.  Dealerships Available – Start for Free.  Officejet Photosmart laserjet deskjet hp 564 Hp 61 Factory Discount Coupons Cheap Ink High Profits Start A Home Based Inkjet Cartridge Refilling Business without refilling machines.

HP Hewlett Packard Refilling Business Opportunity NDITC 003 HP Hewlett Packard Refilling Business Opportunity NDITC 002 HP Hewlett Packard Refilling Business Opportunity NDITC 001

Sale – NDITC – A Gentlemen’s Technique Inkjet and Laser Toner Cartridge Small Business Plan – Ink and Laser Toner Cartridge Dealerships Available A Gentlemens Technique by NDITC Business Planning and Guides

Cartridge Refill Refilling Recycling Re-Manufacturing Small Business Opportunity NDITC Business Plans Guides Machines Manuals Start Your ink and toner cartridge business free

Cartridge Refill Refilling Recycling Re-Manufacturing Small Business Opportunity NDITC Business Plans Guides Machines Manuals Start Your ink and toner cartridge business free

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