A Gentlemen’s Technique How To Become A Millionaire with NDIT

Posted: October 30, 2015 in Business Ideas, Business Opportunity, Business Planning, entrepreneur
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A Gentlemen’s Technique How To Become A Millionaire with NDITC


NDITC  Ink Toner Warehouse 002 nditc Ink Toner Warehouse

NDITC Profit Ink Toner 001

Safekeeping wealth is the primary business of business. Wealth ideas, business ideas and plans are always held in some remote vault or buried inside some inaccessible business plan of the fortune 500 group. Coca-Cola really secures their cola recipe in a vault somewhere in George. Kentucky Fried Chicken KFC really guards all those secrets spices. Companies hide their factories and their manufacturing processes and always guard their technology within the U.S. Governments patent office. They resist leaving tracks to follow and burn every treasure map that indicates where the “X” marks the spot. Corporation board members sign legal agreements not to disclose trade secrets and to never compete. Global international companies have hoards of lawyers waiting to pounce on young Americans that might infringe on some abstract patent or discover that child labor is being used to manufacturer their products. Giant organizations like HP Hewlett Packard, Canon, Epson, Lexmark, Dell, Brother, Apple, Kyocera, Minolta, Okidata, Panasonic, Pitney Bowes, Ricoh, Samsung, Sharp, Toshiba, Xerox, Konica, Lanier, Mita, I.B.M., Olivetti, N.C.R., Fujitsu and dozens of others have been guarding their own inventions, marketing and sales plans, profit margins and manufacturing methods that have created the most wealth in recent times.

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